HW Bush

Herbert Walker Bush (1989-1993): 

Bush Abortion Position

Bush Abortion Position

As a member of Congress, President Bush was an outspoken advocate for birth control.  However, when he was elected President he became a solid pro-life advocate.  He and his wife, Barbara, adopted one child and have two adopted grandchildren.  Barbara, on the other hand, favored abortion in early pregnancies.  Among the actions President Bush took on abortion were:

He urged the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, stating that “protection of innocent human life – in or out of the womb — is certainly the most compelling interest that a State can advance.”

He opposed the “Freedom of Choice Act,” a bill which, he said, “would impose on all 50 states an unprecedented regime of abortion on demand, going well beyond Roe v. Wade.” He added that “it will not become law as long as I am President of the United States.”  He also stated that “I will veto any legislation that weakens current law or existing regulations” pertaining to abortion.

He vetoed 10 bills that contained pro-choice provisions, including four appropriations bills which allowed for taxpayer funding of abortion. In addition, he vetoed U.S. funding of the UNFPA, citing the agency’s participation in the management of China’s “forced abortion” program.

For years, his Administration fought the importation of the “abortion pill.”

He defended the “Mexico City Policy,” which cut off U.S. foreign aid funds to private organizations that performed or promoted abortion overseas.

In his own words:

“Since 1973, there have been about 20 million abortions. This is a tragedy of shattering proportions.”

“The Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and should be overturned.”

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